770 386 7707

Low Back Exercises

The following exercises are designed to be done:

1. During the onset of lower back pain

2. During the healing process of a lower back pain episode

3. After resolution of lower back pain, for future prevention

The first three exercises are safe enough to be done during the initial and most painful period of your lower back condition. They are to be done slowly and only to the point of mild discomfort and not any further.  The old saying "NO PAIN, NO GAIN" does not apply to episodes of severe lower back pain. As your pain decreases you can move further into the exercise positions, as well as increasing your repetitions. Exercise #4 can be added to the first three in increments, starting with mild, proceeding to moderate when capable, and performing advanced when able.

Exercises #5 and #6 can be started when you are able to get comfortably on your knees to attempt them. Exercises #7 thru #14 are not to be attempted until your are at least 50% better. When ready, start to bring these into your daily routine slowly and gradually as you feel capable. Exercise #13 is not for everyone and should only be attempted by those with an advanced level of physical fitness.

Click here for PDF of chart

Always keep in mind that if any of these exercises appear to be aggravating your condition STOP and try again later in the day or the next day. If any of the exercises appear to be impossible, then don't attempt them until you feel like you are able or not at all.

Ice the painful area of your back for 20-30 minutes after each exercise session.

Additional recommendations:

A. Don't sit unless it is absolutely the only position you can get relief in. Research reveals that sitting increases the pressure in the lower back and can aggravate the condition.

B. Don't lift anything heavier than a fork or a sandwich.

C. When resting, find the "sweet spot" or that position that provides the greatest amount of relief.

D. When laying on your back, try 2-3 pillows under your knees to take the pressure off the legs and lower back.

E. When laying on your side, try to put 1-2 pillows between your bent knees. This keeps your back from twisting.

F. If you have to cough or sneeze, try and brace yourself against a wall to keep from jerking your body.

G. Wear a lower back brace tight and snug and for as long as it is providing relief. You can sleep in it.

H. During the initial and most painful phase of you lower back problem, ice the painful area frequently. While resting in the most comfortable position possible, apply a flexible gel ice pack to the pain for 20-30 minutes every 2-3 hours. When you are at least 50% improved, you can then alternate Hot and Cold to the area of pain. Do this in 15 minute cycles, for example ......15 minutes of cold, followed by 15 minute of heat and so on. 

I. If constipation occurs, which is common with lower back pain, take a laxative or stool softener to help you avoid straining which can aggravate your condition.

J. Men, when you do sit, remove the wallet from your back pocket. This will help avoid imbalance of your spine which could aggravate your condition. 

K. If you have Sciatica (leg pain) with your condition, be aware of the "Sciatic Pain Cycle." Sciatica is serious business and involves inflammation of a Spinal Nerve. It is easy to aggravate Sciatica with your activities, duties and responsibilities. It is common to have flare-ups during the healing process, so be careful, as you begin to feel better, not to aggravate the Sciatica by doing too much, too soon. Avoid all bending, lifting and twisting that might cause a flare up. Learn how to lift properly! 

If you, or a loved one, are experiencing pain contact our office to schedule a free NO obligation consultation with the doctor or email Dr. Garber with a question concerning your case for a quick response. Garber Chiropractic Care Center 770-386-7707
Chiropractic Care and Pain Relief for Cartersville, Acworth, Taylorsville, White and Euharlee GA.